LIfestyle, Некатегоризовано

Šta je ADHD?

19. januar 2024.

ADHD je neurobiološki poremećaj koji može značajno uticati na svakodnevni život deteta. Postoje tri osnovna tipa ADHD-a:

    Nemogućnost održavanja pažnje (ADHD sa dominacijom nepažnje): deca s ovim tipom ADHD-a često su neorganizovana, sklona gubitku stvari, teže se fokusiraju na zadatke i teško im je da održe pažnju.

    Hiperaktivnost i impulsivnost (ADHD sa dominacijom hiperaktivnosti/impulsivnosti): ova deca su često nemirna, imaju teškoće sa sedenjem mirno, često progovaraju pre nego što razmisle i teško čekaju svoj red.

    Mešoviti tip ADHD-a: ovaj tip uključuje kombinaciju simptoma nepažnje, hiperaktivnosti i impulsivnosti.


Saveti za roditelje

    Obrazovanje: edukujte se o ADHD-u i njegovim simptomima. Razumevanje poremećaja pomaže roditeljima da bolje podrže svoje dete.

    Strukturisano okruženje: stvaranje strukturisanog okruženja može pomoći deci s ADHD-om. Uvedite rutinu i jasna pravila kako bi im olakšali snalaženje.

    Jasne granice i nagrade: postavite jasne granice ali istovremeno koristite pozitivne nagrade kako biste ohrabrivali željeno ponašanje (pozitivne nagrade nisu slatkiši već može biti i lepa reč, pohvala, neka zanimljiva aktivnost, šetnja, poseta muzeju i sl.).

    Podrška u školi: razgovarajte sa nastavnicima o potrebama svog deteta. Individualni obrazovni planovi (IEP) mogu pružiti dodatnu podršku u školi.

Terapijske mogućnosti

    Psihosocijalna terapija: ova vrsta terapije fokusira se na razvoj veština upravljanja ponašanjem, socijalnim veštinama i emocionalnom regulacijom.

    Farmakoterapija: u nekim slučajevima, lekovi kao što su stimulansi (npr. metilfenidat) mogu se koristiti kako bi se smanjili simptomi ADHD-a (ili čak i u potpunosti zalečili). Odluka o korišćenju lekova treba biti donesena uz konsultaciju s lekarom.

    Porodična terapija: ova vrsta terapije može pomoći celoj porodici u prilagođavanju na izazove koje ADHD može doneti.

Roditelji dece s ADHD-om igraju ključnu ulogu u podršci svom detetu. Edukacija, struktura, jasna komunikacija i stručna podrška mogu značajno poboljšati kvalitet života deteta s ADHD-om. Važno je raditi sa stručnjacima kako bi se pronašao individualizovan pristup koji odgovara potrebama svakog deteta.


Balkan food

Proja – traditional Serbian specialty

19. januar 2024.

Proja is a traditional Serbian specialty and contains a lot of nutrients such as proteins, fibers and complex carbohydrates. It is not one of the low-calorie dishes because cheese, oil and eggs are added to it, however, it is easy to prepare and an excellent solution for breakfast, snack or dinner.

Ingredients for a small tray measuring 20 x 30 cm; enough for about 8 larger pieces:

– 3 cups of white corn flour

– 2 cups of white flour

– one baking powder

– 2 eggs

– a glass of mineral water

– a glass of sour milk or yogurt

– 2 cups of oil

– a slice of cheese (about 150 g)


Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix all-purpose flour, white flour and baking powder. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well to combine. Crumble the cheese and mix in at the end. Reduce the oven to about 180 oC (depending on the oven, it can also be 150 oC) and bake in an oiled baking sheet for about 20 minutes until golden brown (until it turns golden-yellow).

Serve warm with yogurt as desired.

Bon appetit!


Negujmo jezik!

18. januar 2024.

Jezik nam nije urođen. Stiče se u toku odrastanja i školovanja.

Deca uče jezik kroz proces koji se naziva jezičko razvojno putovanje. U ranom detinjstvu, izloženi smo zvucima, rečima, gramatici i kontekstu oko nas. Pomalo instinktivno, počinjemo da oponašamo zvukove koje čujemo i povezujemo ih sa određenim rečima i značenjima. Kroz ponavljanje i interakciju sa drugima, vremenom stičemo sposobnost da tvorimo rečenice, koristimo gramatička pravila i izražavamo svoje misli.

Jezik – stečena veština koja oblikuje našu komunikaciju

Jezik je osnovni alat komunikacije koji nam omogućava da prenosimo misli, ideje i emocije drugima. Iako je inherentan ljudskoj prirodi, jezik nije genetski urođen, već se stiče u interakciji sa okruženjem i društvom u kojem odrastamo.

Kulturni aspekti jezika

Jezik nije samo sredstvo komunikacije, već je i važan kulturni simbol. Svako društvo ima svoj jezik – skup reči, izraza, fraza i idioma koji su karakteristični za tu kulturu. Kroz jezik, prenosimo i čuvamo vrednosti, tradicije i istorijske priče svog naroda. Jezik je duboko povezan sa identitetom, što nas čini deo određene grupe ili zajednice.

Jezična raznolikost

Svijet jezika bogat je raznovrsnošću. Širom sveta postoji na hiljade jezika različitih porijekla, struktura i zvukova. Svaki od ovih jezika donosi svoju jedinstvenu perspektivu i način izražavanja. Očuvanje jezične raznolikosti od suštinske je važnosti jer svaki jezik nosi sa sobom specifično kulturno nasleđe i jedinstvene načine opisivanja sveta oko nas.

Važnost jezičke pismenosti

Stečeni jezik omogućava nam da se uključimo u društvo, istražujemo nove ideje i izražavamo sebe na suptilan i složen način. Jezik nam omogućava da učimo, razmišljamo, stvaramo i donosimo odluke. Kroz jezik, prenosimo znanje i stvaramo kulturnu baštinu koja se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju.

Neprekidno učenje jezika

Iako jezik počinjemo da učimo u ranom detinjstvu, proces učenja jezika nikada ne prestaje. Jezik se neprekidno razvija i menja, a mi se prilagođavamo novim rečima, izrazima i stilovima komunikacije. Kroz život, učimo i usvajamo nove jezike kako bismo se povezali sa drugim zajednicama i proširili naše razumevanje sveta.

Jezik je kompleksna veština koja oblikuje našu komunikaciju i povezuje nas sa drugima. Stečen kroz interakciju i kontekstualno učenje, jezik nam omogućava da izražavamo naše misli i osećanja na jedinstven i bogat način. Bitno je da cenimo jezičnu raznolikost i pridajemo važnost jezičkoj pismenosti kako bismo ostali povezani i razumeli svet oko nas.


Vrli novi autistični svet

18. januar 2024.

Nedavno je objavljen podatak da se u svetu dnevno napravi preko 4,7 BILIONA fotografija. Na taj broj treba dodati i video klipove kao i ove nove, moderne, isečke iz klipova, tzv. Shorts. Sve u svemu, kako naučnici najavljuju, brojka će uskoro dostići (7 biliona) na dnevnom nivou!

Pa šta se to sa ljudskom rasom dešava? Komuniciramo li u slikama? Posle hiljada i hiljada godina razvoja jezičkih veština (i svih intelektualnih i kognitivnih sposobnosti koje prate verbalnu i pismenu komunikaciju), vraćamo se na staro – što znači na sliku i slikovnu poruku.

Nama, koji radimo sa decom sa autizmom je taj svet slika vrlo dobro poznat. Baš tako nekako se i odvija komunikacija među nama: deca nam pokazuju slike u nameri da izraze ono što žele, mi im s naše strane takođe pokazujemo slike a u cilju boljeg razumevanja zadataka. Razumevanje šturog teksta kao i zadataka koji su tekstualno dati im teško pada. A sličice, one im omogućavaju da bolje komuniciraju i da razumeju svet oko nas – ovaj, naš koji nazivamo ,,normalnim,, i u kojem žive ljudi koji razumeju pisanu reč; i služe se jezikom. Ili bi barem tako trebalo…

A Biblija kaže: i u početku beše reč.

Mudre reči koje danas sve nauke dokazuju: reč nam daje povratnu informaciju da postojimo. Reč znači svest; reč je samospoznaja; reč je postojanje. I bez reči ne može. I nešto tako divno i božansko današnji čovek svakodnevno srozava na ,,fotke,, i ,,klipove,,. Na smešne isečke iz filmova, na slike ispod kojih se tek provlače ,,mudri citati,,… I srozava i uništava i šalje emotikone (opet sličica) ugrožavajući na prvom mestu sebe – svoj mozak, svoju percepciju, svoju inteligenciju, svoje stečene veštine. Da, jezik je stečen, nije genetski urođen. Ne rađamo se sa njim. Borimo se, ulažemo napore u toku odrastanja i školovanja da razvijemo jezičke veštine. Da bismo ih posle polako jednu po jednu ignorisali i stavljali u ćošak. A dobro znamo da sve što se ne koristi polako vene…

Ali, da se vratimo na naslov: zašto ovaj novi svet nazivam autističnim? Šta je to zajedničko osobama sa autizmom i modernom čoveku koji živi u digitalnom svetu?

Simptomi autizma

  1. Problemi u socijalnoj interakciji: Osobe sa autizmom mogu imati teškoće u uspostavljanju i održavanju socijalnih veza. Mogu pokazivati nedostatak interesovanja za druge ljude, teškoće u čitanju emocionalnih signala i izražavanju sopstvenih emocija.

– Upravo tako antisocijalno se ponaša i moderan čovek: zadubljen u svoj internet svet, sa mobilnim u ruci, držeći tu igračku dovoljan je sam sebi. Za izražavanje emocija – umesto reči, koriste emotikone i fotografije.

  • Problemi u komunikaciji: Govorna i neverbalna komunikacija mogu biti izazovne za osobe sa autizmom. Mogu imati nedostatak razumevanja prepoznatljivog govora ili izražavanja svojih misli i potreba.

– Najnovija istraživanja pokazuju enormno smanjenje inteligencije kod mladih ljudi. Čak više od 30% mladih ima inteligenciju ispod 80 (prosek je od 90 do 110). Uz smanjenje inteligencije ne zaboravimo na uništavanje jezičkih veština i srozavanje komunikacije na nivo petogodišnjeg deteta koje crta cvetiće i šalje sličice.

  • Ponavljajući obrasci ponašanja: Ograničeni interesi i ponavljajući obrasci ponašanja su česti kod osoba sa autizmom. To može uključivati ponavljanje reči ili pokrete, izbegavanje promena rutine ili intenzivno interesovanje za specifične teme.

– Zavisnost od interneta i medija predstavlja upravo to – ponavljajući obrazac ponašanja. Interesi su takođe ograničeni a zavisniku posebno smeta promena rutine (bude se sa mobilnim u ruci, idu na spavanje sa mobilnim i slušalicama, ne ispuštaju ga u toku dana – u prevozu, na poslu, u razgovoru sa prijateljima). Takođe, pokazuju interesovanje za specifične teme kao što su omiljene stranice ili influenseri (ličnosti koje im se posebno dopadaju i koje vrše uticaj); na tim stranicama ,,borave,, i ,,druže se,, sa tim ljudima i temama koje oni prezentuju slušajući svakodnevno priče koje im oni pričaju (baš kao u detinjstvu).

Sve ukazuje na to da se granice između zvanične dijagnoze autizma i psihosinteze modernog čoveka ogrezlog u internet svet polako brišu. Linija više nije jasna a čovečanstvo svakim danom zalazi sve dublje u svet slika, zaboravljajući i zapostavljajući sve (do sada) stečene jezičke veštine: moć izražavanja, učtivnog govora, sastavljanja kompleksnih rečenica, pisanje eseja i sastava, čitanje knjiga, učestvovanje na festivalima i književnim večerima, diskutovanje o sadržaju knjige, razvijanje svojih kognitivnih i intelektualnih sposobnosti, razvijanje mašte, opuštanje, vežbanje strpljenja i koncentracije… Ili jednostavno, uživajući u dobroj knjizi, proputovati zajedno sa likovima, opustiti se, saznati nešto novo, obogatiti svoj rečnik i napraviti pauzu od životne vreve!

Nek nam je sa srećom u novom ,,slikovitom,, svetu.  


Stock photos – inspirational quotes

21. oktobar 2023.

Inspirational quotes, sayings, New Year greetings and many more… The right choice for websites, journals, diaries, posters, workspaces, offices and for all creative activities.

No 211 Aim high. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 212 Be happy. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 213 Be your own hero. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 214 May the New Year bring you love, happiness and success. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 215 You are beautiful. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 216 Reach your limits. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 217 Stay focused. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 218 Sky is the limit. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 219 Happy New Year. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 220 Live your passion. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to

No 221 Life changes. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 222 It is never too late. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 223 Happy New Year. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 224 Happy New Year. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 225 Aim high. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 226 Believe in miracles. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 227 Let the light in. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 228 Life is an adventure. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 229 Follow your bliss. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 230 There is always a way out. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 231 All is well. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 232 Always be happy. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 233 Be your own artist on a life`s journey. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 234 Did you smile today? Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 235 Enjoy life every day. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 236 Time is on your side. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 237 Roads were made for journeys. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 238 On this road called life… Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 239 Keep your inner peace. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 240 Keep your balance. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 241 Believe in the magic of Christmas. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 242 Christmas is a feeling. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 243 Enjoy the moment. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 244 Enjoy the silence. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 245 Have you smiled today. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 246 In a winter wonderland. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 247 In the storm stay strong and soar. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 248 It`s not the destination. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 249 Keep going. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 250 Keep your inner peace. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 251 Let the light in. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 252 Life is a journey. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 253 Life is a journey… Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 254 Life is always at a turning point. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 255 Life is meant to be enjoyed. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 256 Live your own adventure. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 257 Some storms appear in our life for a reason. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 258 Make your own path. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 259 Master the art of life. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 260 No stress, only joy. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 261 I`m fine and I know it. Price: 10. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 262 I`m lazy and I love it. Price: 10. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 263 Life is beautiful. Price: 10. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 264 May every storm of life make you stronger. Price: 8. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 265 May every storm of life make you stronger. Price: 7. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to

Abstract – zen stock photos

15. oktobar 2023.

Abstract, zen photos that have different symbols, motifs from nature, pastel colors and symbolism of peace, meditation and harmony. Suitable for websites, advertisements, diaries, magazines and as a background / illustrations for texts.

No 171 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 172 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 173 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 174 A photo of amethyst. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 175 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 176 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 177 An abstract photo of nature elements. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 178 An abstract photo of stones. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 179 An abstract photo of Christmas lights made at night, in the forest. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 180 An abstract illustration of a symbol. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 181 An abstract illustration of a symbol. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 182 An abstract illustration of a symbol. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 183 An abstract illustration of symbols. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 184 An abstract illustration of a symbol. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 186 An abstract illustration of an umbrella. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 187 An abstract illustration of a lamp. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 188 An abstract, glass – illustration of a sunset. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 189 An abstract illustration of a symbol. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 190 An abstract photo of a flower. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to

Christmas stock photos

15. oktobar 2023.

Christmas decoration and landscapes stock photos for sale

No 121 New Year’s sparkling ribbons Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 122 Christmas festive atmosphere in the city. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 123 A stunning photo of the Festival of lights in the forest. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 124 A beautiful, romantic photo of the Christmas atmosphere in the forest with lanterns and lights at the river. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 125 A photo taken at the bridge above small river illuminated with Christmas lights and lanterns. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 126 Christmas tree and deco. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 127 A stunning photo of Christmas lights above the bridge in the forest. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 128 Photo taken in the old town of the city of Nuremberg, West Germany. An old castle, a Christmas tree and small, romantic decorative lights. Price: 12. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 129 New Year`s fireworks. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 130 A night photo of the Festival of lights in the forest. So many colors that make contrasts and the trees in the backround make this photo look like from a fairy tale. Price: 8. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 151 Christmas table decoration. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
N 152 New Year`s wish jar decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 153 New Year`s wish jar decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 154 New Year`s wish jar black-white, decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 155 New Year`s deco. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 156 New Year`s deco. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 157 New Year`s jar decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 158 Christmas tree – decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 159 Christmas lights in the forest. A photo almost unreal, the trees look abstrakt. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 160 Christmas tree decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 161 Christmas tree in the forest, decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 162 Christmas decoration. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 163 Christmas tree – decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 164 New Year`s jar decorated. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 165 Christmas decoration. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 166 Christmas decoration. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 167 Christmas decoration. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 168 Christmas decoration. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 169 Christmas tree – decorated. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to
No 170 Christmas wish – jar, decorated. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, please send an email to

Snow – winter landscape photos for sale

14. oktobar 2023.

Snow – winter landscape photos for sale

No 131 A stunning photo of a bench covered with snow. Simply calm and beautiful. Price: 25. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 132 It was early spring when it suddenly got cold and snow started to fall. The first spring flowers that have already bloomed can be seen under the snow. It is an apple blossom whose white color blends with the whiteness of snow. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 133 Early spring and the snow is already melting, the first grass turns green and the trees give their reflection on the surface of the water. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 134 A stunning photo of a winter landscape with sun rayes shining through the leaves. Price: 15. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 135 A simple but beautiful photo of a winter landscape covered with the whiteness. The sun is shining through. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 136 A simple photo of the winter landscape with pine cones and snow. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 137 A stunning photo of a winter landscape with sun rayes reflecting the light through the snow. Price: 8. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 138 Winter landscape covered with snow, sun rayes and the reflection of the light and the trees on the water surface. Price: 12. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 139 Snow, stream, sun rays and the play of light and shadows on the snow. Price: 4. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 140 A photo taken somewhere in Belgrade, the temperature was -20oC. Frozen tree branches and magnificent winter landscape. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 141 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 142 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. An old house in the middle of the photo just adds to the romantic atmosphere of the winter landscape. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 143 Romantic winter landscape covered with snow. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 144 Evergreen winter bushes and red berries that contrast with the whiteness of the snow. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 145 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 146 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 147 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 148 A romantic bench covered with snow and the sun shining, playing with light and shadows. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 149 An abstract photo taken from the fast – speedy Intercity train. These trains develop a speed of up to 300 km/h. The photo looks unreal – the trees are moving and seem to be swaying. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 150 A very simple but strongly contrasted photo of trees in the middle of the nowhere, covered with snow, standing there in the fog. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to

Autumn photos for sale

12. oktobar 2023.

Autumn stock photos

No 111 An old oak tree in the fog, dry leaves and a romantic autumn atmosphere. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 112 An old German city of Spreewald, small castle, church and the stunning reflection on the water surface. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 113 A photo taken somewhere in the Central Serbia, stunning autumn colors, beautiful contrast between red, green and yellow. An old abandoned house adds to the romantic autumn atmosphere. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 114 An autumn at the lake, somewhere in the West Germany. Beautiful reflection on the water surface toghether with circles. Price: 5. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 115 Autumn leaves after the rain with water drops shining and reflecting the light. Price: 3. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 116 Autumn leaves on a sunny day. A play of yellow, green and red. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 117 A magnificent photo of autumn red leaves, sun rayes and a blue sky. Price: 35. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 118 Photo taken somewhere in the Central Serbia in autumn. Bunches of grapes, grean and yellow leaves and mother nature bearing her fruits. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 119 Another photo of a lake and the reflection of the trees on the water surface. Simply stunning. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 120 Autumn colors, a duck calmly swimming, reflection of the trees and yellow-green leaves on the water. Romantic, calm and beautiful. Price: 2. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to

Photos for sale – fireworks

10. oktobar 2023.

New Year’s fireworks photos for sale

No 101 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 102 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 103 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 104 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 105 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 106 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 107 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 108 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 109 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to
No 110 New Year`s festive fireworks. Price: 1. In order to purchase photos and get paying instructions, send an email to