Business coaching, LIfestyle

Aim low

8. mart 2024.

Yes, you read that right.

Aim low because, low is:



*it guides you to your goal step by step

*it gives you time to enjoy and praise yourself for each step forward


*along the way you acquire new, good habits

*along the way you make new friends and enjoy spending time with them

*you allow yourself to settle into new circumstances

*a new way of behaving becomes a routine for you

*when it becomes a routine, you perfect the technique

*when you perfect it, you climb to the next step and then you bounce off to the next, bigger goal

*you are not exposed to either negative or positive stress because you gradually introduce the desired changes

*this savev both – body and psyche from strong turbulence and possible psychosomatic disorders.


Advices that we read on the internet like „Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll fall among the stars“ lead people to enthusiastically fly not to the moon but to Jupiter… And then they get lost somewhere on that space flight… It leads them to quickly abandon their goals because they seem huge and unachievable… It makes them disappointed in themselves, considering themselves weak and incapable – even though they are not.


And so, aim low, aim realistic; divide the goal into smaller parts – realistic and achievable; and then, slowly, take sure steps toward the goal.

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