
What is an Urbana legenda?

27. april 2023.

The lifestyle of a writer, traveler, hedonist – everything that a creative person who is looking for inspiration on the path of life needs to know. Whether you are a writer, copywriter or a lover of good texts, you are in the right place. For all of those who are multi-talented, authentic and unique.

Urbana legenda is a page where I convey to you the lifestyle of a writer in its entirety. My life. This site is much more than variety of texts and much more than „learn how to write“. Here you will find various types of texts, a range of practical tips on writing, travel tips, inspirational journeys and quotes in pictures from all over the world, awakening texts, short stories, satirical and comedy texts and the best hedonistic recipes from the Balkans and Greece. There are interviews in a separate section with people who have excelled in their profession and they pass on their know-how to us.

You can order my books at the following link:

In addition to books, the site offers a number of inspiring sections: Lifecoaching, Businesscoaching, Travel, Balkan food, Short stories, as well as the Interviews section. I interview expats, digital nomads, world travelers and citizens of the world. All of them are happy to share their work and life experience with us – in the field of business, psychology, journalism, translation, art or some other similar branch. And that column is growing day by day and is being read by an increasing number of people – to my great satisfaction.

In sections such as Lifecoaching and Businesscoaching, you can find a large number of texts – scientific, instructive and immediately and quickly applicable in real life.

For those who are on the way to becoming writers or are just taking their first creative steps, I tried to convey those messages that I consider important through the variety of texts: through the variety of topics and content – see how texts are written, how different topics are treated and how is the structure changing in relation to the topic; by emphasizing certain elements – to notice the difference between scientific and other texts – those artistic or poetically worded; what is the creative spirit and why inspiration and marketing are in eternal conflict; why I follow my inner feeling and not the advice of modern Internet experts about keywords and traffic; what it means to be authentic and why staying true to yourself and your principles is important. After all, isn’t the world fed up with cheap copies, internet analytics and the race for followers?

Who reads the Urbana legenda? I am read by people who want different content from the usual and most importantly, in today’s time of fast internet, they are able to keep their attention and read the text to the end! My readership is really special – they don’t flip pages, they don’t scroll aimlessly on the internet, no; they read what is really useful and what inspires them! For them – for those special people, I continue to write. And I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember – since elementary school. I am also the winner of a large number of awards and praises (although I never write specifically for contests). The writing continued during my studies when I published a college textbook entitled Social Policy (together with two other professors). I am proud that generations of students in Greece are growing up reading my lines about Dušan’s Code and the social policy that Serbia implemented first in Europe. The textbook is required material at the Faculty of Law in Athens, at the University of Makedonia in Thessaloniki and at the National School of Public Administration. This „serious“ book was followed by a Serbian-Greek dictionary with over 40,000 words and expressions. And then some lighter literature followed: the book Moj si tip (You are my type – satirical applied psychology), the novel Ovede i Sada (Here and now), a book for children – a picture book entitled The Bumblebee Emperor, a book – manual with title ,,Personal development – truth and delusions,, which shows the dark side of the New Era movement as well as many subgroups of this direction such as positive thinking, visualization, cosmic energies and similar modern concepts.

Before university, I graduated from the College of Applied Arts (computer design) and I use this diploma to edit my website, process beautiful photos from various trips, and combine text and photos (inspirational quotes). You will find all those wonderful landscapes and inspiring messages on this page in the Photos section.

​And finally, I will not tell you just ‚‚read what you are interested in‚‚ but I will exclaim ‚‚READ‚‚! Read as much as you can, especially if you want to write; read anyway – to maintain a sharp mind and clarity, your cognitive abilities, intelligence and cheerfulness! Read to develop your imagination and creativity, read to have fun and laugh in difficult times, read DESPITE all the trends and fast lifestyle. Reading and writing as meditative catharsis! Gift inspiring valuable moments to yourself and your well being!

For all questions and possible suggestions, write to me at the following email: activus0812@yahoo.gr

I look forward to your every suggestion and feedback!

Your Urbana legenda

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