
Rad sa mnom

8. novembar 2024.

U ponudi su sledeće usluge:

* terapeutsko pisanje – za oslobađanje od negativnih emocija i stresa; za redukciju tantruma kod dece i izliva besa kod odraslih

* kreativno pisanje: mala škola kreativnog pisanja. Dinamika časova, teme i struktura – po dogovoru.

* ADHD: jedinstvena Silk Mind metoda za redukciju simptoma ADHD-a i poremećaja pažnje

* poteškoće u učenju: naučite kako da brzo i efikasno učite. Jednom za svagda.

* planiranje, postavljanje i realizacija ciljeva. Za sve one kojima organizacija i struktura nisu jača strana.

* online savetovanje za decu i odrasle sa posebnim potrebama, poremećajima i višestrukim poremećajima

* povećaj produktivnost: uz pomoć Planera koji sam sastavila za Vas – ostvari svoj maksimum.

* online konsultacije sa mnom u trajanju od 60 minuta.

Više o meni i uslugama koje pružam na linku koji sledi:


Radite sa mnom

8. novembar 2024.

Kao specijalni edukator i publikovani autor, sem knjiga, objavila sam i veliki broj stručnih priručnika na temu ponašanja, navika i emocija.

U radu sa decom i odraslima primenjujem moju jedinstvenu, holističku Silk Mind metodu inspirisanu svilom; jer ljudska psiha je nežna – baš kao i svila. Metoda je dala odlične rezultate u praksi kada je u pitanju regulisanje eksplozivnih osećanja, poboljšanje fokusa, redukcija sindroma hiperaktivnosti, ADHD-a kao i u postavljanju i realizaciji ciljeva. Za sve one kojima pažnja, koncentracija i organizacija nisu jača strana.

Silk Mind metoda je zabavna, neinvazivna, bez medikamenata, namenjena deci i odraslima i inspirisana je svilom: tako nežna a istovremeno jaka i elastična – baš kao i ljudski um.


Šta je urbana legenda

27. septembar 2024.

Urbana legenda je životni put pisca, defektologa – specijalnog edukatora i publikovanog autora. Bez obzira da li ste edukator, pisac ili neko je u potrazi za inovativnim, inspirativnim i kreativnim rešenjima u oblasti obrazovanja i specijalne edukacije, ova stranica je pravo mesto za vas.

Za sve one koji su autentični i jedinstveni.

Ova stranica je mnogo više od raznovrsnih tekstova i mnogo više od ,,edukuj se, nauči da pišeš i budi kreativan…”. Ovde ćete pronaći moju jedinstvenu metodu Terapeutskog pisanja, holistički ADHD pristup, ali i razne vrste tekstova / niz praktičnih saveta o pisanju, komunikaciji i izražavanju.

U posebnoj sekciji nalaze se intervjui sa ljudima koji su se istakli u svojoj profesiji i koji nam prenose svoje znanje.

Moje knjige i skripte možete naručiti na sledećem linku:

U rubrikama kao što su Edukacija i Biznis koučing pronaći ćete veliki broj tekstova – naučnih, poučnih i odmah primjenjivih u realnom životu.

Za one koji su na putu da postanu pisci ili tek prave prve kreativne korake, pokušala sam da kroz raznovrsnost tekstova prenesem one poruke koje smatram bitnim: kroz raznovrsnost tema i sadržaja – uočiti kako se pišu tekstovi i obrađuju različite teme ali i kako se struktura menja u odnosu na temu; isticanjem pojedinih elemenata – uočiti razliku između naučnih i drugih tekstova – onih umetničkih ili poetski sročenih; šta je kreativni duh i zašto su inspiracija i marketing u večitom sukobu; zašto pratim svoj unutrašnji osećaj a ne savete savremenih internet stručnjaka o ključnim rečima i prometu; šta znači biti autentičan i zašto je važno ostati veran sebi i svojim principima.

Uostalom, nije li svetu dosta jeftinih kopija, internet analitike i trke za pratiocima?

Ko čita Urbanu legendu? Čitaju me ljudi koji žele drugačiji sadržaj od uobičajenog i što je najvažnije, oni koji u vreme brzog interneta mogu da održe pažnju i pročitaju tekst do kraja! Moja čitalačka publika je zaista posebna – ne listaju stranice, ne skroluju besciljno po internetu, ne; čitaju šta im je zaista korisno i šta ih inspiriše!

Za njih – za te posebne ljude, nastavljam da pišem.

A pišem otkako znam za sebe. Dobitnik sam velikog broja nagrada i pohvala (iako nikada ne pišem ciljano za konkurse). Pisanje se nastavilo i tokom studija kada sam objavila fakultetski udžbenik pod naslovom Socijalna politika (zajedno sa još dva profesora). Ponosna sam što generacije studenata u Grčkoj odrastaju čitajući moje redove o Dušanovom zakoniku i socijalnoj politici koju je Srbija prva sprovela u Evropi. Udžbenik spada u obavezni nastavni materijal na Pravnom fakultetu u Atini, na Univerzitetu Makedonija u Solunu i u Nacionalnoj školi javne uprave. Nakon ove „ozbiljne“ knjige usledio je srpsko-grčki rečnik sa preko 40.000 reči i izraza. A zatim, nešto lakša literatura: knjiga Moj si tip (satirična primenjena psihologija), roman Ovde i Sada, knjiga za decu – slikovnica Bumbar car, knjiga – priručnik pod naslovom Lični razvoj – istina i zablude (prikazuje tamnu stranu pokreta Nove ere kao i mnoge podgrupe ovog pravca: pozitivno mišljenje, vizualizacija, kosmičke energije i slični moderni koncepti), još jedna knjiga za decu pod naslovom Meda Čeda.

​I na kraju, neću vam reći samo ‚‚čitajte ono što vas zanima‚‚ već ću uzviknuti ‚‚ČITAJTE‚‚! Čitajte što više možete, posebno ako želite da pišete; čitajte i tešku literaturu – da biste održali oštar um, kognitivne sposobnosti, inteligenciju i vedrinu! Čitajte da biste razvili maštu i kreativnost, čitajte da biste se zabavili i nasmejali u teškim trenucima, čitajte UPRKOS svim trendovima i brzom načinu života. Čitanje i pisanje su oduvek bili meditativna katarza – još pre nego što su ih otkrili moderni internet gurui!

I zato, ČITAJ!

Za sva pitanja i eventualne sugestije pišite mi na e-mail:

Radujem se svakom Vašem predlogu i povratnoj informaciji!

Biznis koučing, Edukacija, Izdvojeno

Ciljajte pametno

18. septembar 2024.

Ciljajte nisko da biste postigli cilj. Da, dobro ste pročitali.

Ciljajte nisko jer nisko je:

  • realno
  • ostvarivo
  • vodi vas ka cilju korak po korak
  • daje vam vremena da uživate i da se pohvalite za svaki korak napred
  • na tom putu stičete nove, dobre navike
  • na tom putu stičete nove prijatelje i uživate u druženju sa njima
  • dozvoljavate sebi da se ustalite u novim okolnostima
  • novi način ponašanja vam prelazi u rutinu
  • kad pređe u rutinu, usavršavate tehniku
  • kad usavršite, penjete se na sledeći stepenik
  • a zatim odskačete ka sledećem, većem cilju
  • ne izlažete se ni negativnom ni pozitivnom stresu jer postepeno uvodite željene promene
  • štedite i telo i psihu od jakih turbulencija i eventualnih psihosomatskih poremećaja.

Saveti koji kruže internetom ‚‚Ciljajte na Mesec i čak i ako promašite, pašćete među zvezde‚‚ navode ljude da se puni entuzijazma zalete ne na Mesec nego na Jupiter… I izgube negde na tom svemirskom letu…

Navodi ih da brzo odustanu od svojih ciljeva jer im se čine ogromnim i neostvarivim…

Čini da se razočaraju u sebe smatrajući se slabim i nesposobnim – iako to nisu.

I zato, ciljajte nisko, ciljajte realno; podelite cilj na manje delove – realne i ostvarive; a zatim, polako, sigurnim koracima do uspeha.


Fabrika digitalnih kretena

24. avgust 2024.

Tako se zove nova knjiga francuskog naučnika Mišela Demuržea – neurologa koji je radio kao direktor istraživanja na francuskom Institutu za zaštitu zdravlja. On tvrdi da je njegova knjiga potkrepljena dokazima – dokazima koji proizilaze iz velikog broja studija koje pokazuju da višečasovno gledanje televizije ili igranje video igrica dovodi do opadanja inteligencije i usporavanja kognitivnog razvoja. Tako jednostavno.

Sem opadanja inteligencije, ugrožene su takođe i sledeće sposobnosti: govor, koncentracija, pamćenje i kultura (kultura se definiše kao kontingent stečenog znanja uz pomoć kojeg smo u stanju da razumemo svet i da organizujemo svoj život).

I ne samo to, kada su sve ove stečene veštine u padu i ugrožene, logično je da dovode do lošeg uspeha u školi.

Koji su uzroci ovakvim katastrofalnim posledicama? Uzroci se nalaze u tome što se dete ne nalazi više u interakciji sa porodicom a porodica je kao što znamo faktor br. 1 za emotivni i za razvoj jezika.

Sledeća negativna strana digitalizacije jeste što deci oduzima vreme od ostalih, korisnih aktivnosti koje je naša generacija uživala u detinjstvu: čitanje knjiga, umetnost (koja je danas potcenjena), kvalitetna muzika, izrada domaćih zadataka (sve ih je manje i manje) i da ne zaboravimo ono najvažnije a to je zdrav san koji je danas narušen ili nedovoljno traje. Sem toga, pažnja je izložena preteranoj stimulaciji što izaziva niz poremećaja kada su koncentracija, kognitivne i intelektualne sposobnosti i učenje u pitanju.

Da zlo bude gore, sedeći način života i ,,buljenje,, u ekran izaziva niz tegoba kada je zdravlje u pitanju.

Za konsultacije i rad sa defektologom, više informacija na linku koji sledi:

Mišel Demurže navodi takođe da ljudski mozak nije ,,stabilan,, organ; njega oblikuju naša iskustva – a deca su danas preterano izložena lošim iskustvima i beskorisnim sadržajima. Ti sadržaji koji se tako olako konzumiraju, odlažu sazrevanje mozga i njegovu funkcionalnost u oblasti razvoja jezika i održavanja pažnje i koncentracije.

Rešenja postoje – ali zahtevaju aktivno učešće roditelja: ograničeno vreme ispred televizora, aplikacije za merenje vremena provedenog na internetu, striktna kontrola sadržaja (video klipova, raznih kanala na mrežama – znači šta TAČNO dete gleda) i jednostavno NE igricama i drugim besmislenim ,,aktivnostima,, koje u suštini to i nisu (jer često prerastaju u zavisnost).

Da li ćete ova rešenja kao roditelj primeniti i tako očuvati vitalne funkcije vašeg deteta (zdravlje, intelekt, psiha), zavisi samo od vas.

U svetu se danas već uveliko govori o epidemiji poremećaja pažnje dok se ova nova generacija smatra prvom generacijom u istoriji koja ima niži koeficijent inteligencije od svojih roditelja.

Možda ovaj tmuran naslov sa početka i nije daleko od istine…

English, Intervjui

12 good reasons to choose a holistic business growth coach

31. maj 2024.

Kami Schatz: Holistic business growth coach – Owner of Efficiency Powerhouse Solutions

Kami Schatz is a published author, business owner and mom. She is a seasoned holistic business coach and consultant based in Illinois, United States. With a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Kami has spent years helping entrepreneurs and business owners achieve sustained growth and success through her unique Entrepreneurs Continuous Improvement Method. 

When she’s not working, Kami enjoys hanging out with her sons,  cats, going on road trips, immersing herself in a good book and eating Mexican food. Her passion for helping others and her strategic approach make her a valuable ally for anyone looking to start, grow, and balance their business.

1. How would you describe yourself in four words?

Innovative, Servant-Leader, Compassionate, Strategic.

2. You are a successful coach, but what most people don`t know is that you are also a psychologist. What was the main subject of your studies and how do you implement that knowledge into your coaching business?

While in college, I obtained a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, I even went as far as completing a few years of my doctorate program.

While in school, my main area of study was Industrial and Organizational Psychology. This field focuses on understanding human behavior in workplaces and organizations. I focused my research on burnout within the organization and whose responsibility it was to help provide the tools and strategies to reduce it within the organization and the people working for them. Today, I implement this knowledge by helping my clients create effective organizational structures, improve team dynamics, and develop leadership skills. By understanding the psychological principles behind motivation, behavior, and performance, I can tailor my coaching strategies to address both the emotional and practical aspects of starting, running and growing a business.

3. What percentage of coaching involves psychological support and how much focuses on learning new skills?

In my coaching practice, I would say it’s a balanced mix: about 80% psychological support and 20% skill development. Psychological support includes helping clients manage stress, build confidence, and develop a growth mindset. Skill development involves teaching practical business strategies, marketing tactics, and productivity techniques. Both aspects are crucial for achieving sustainable success. My belief has always been, building a business is easy, the hard part is the people within the business. I spend most of my time with the ones leading the business because they have their own personal roadblocks we must work through so they can achieve their business goals. Then we trickle down the same coaching to their team. I end up teaching the leader to coach their teams. It’s fun and I love it.

4. We understand that you utilize a unique method to achieve goals: The Entrepreneurs Continuous Improvement Method. Could you elaborate on it?

Although I use different techniques and methods in my coaching, I developed “The Entrepreneurs Continuous Improvement Method” specifically designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners achieve sustained growth and success. Inspired by the principles of the Balanced Scorecard, this method integrates self-awareness, strategic planning, time management, consistent execution, and regular review into a cohesive approach.

5. Do we currently live in a „goal-oriented digital society,“ and how does your System method provide relief for entrepreneurs who are burdened by the pressures of success, likes, popularity, and profit?

Yes, we do live in a highly goal-oriented digital society where the pressure to succeed can be extremely overwhelming. It’s like being in Las Vegas, where the lights are on 24/7, making it hard to step away and care for ourselves. The Entrepreneurs Continuous Improvement Method provides relief by emphasizing balance and sustainability.

This method helps entrepreneurs focus on meaningful goals rather than getting caught up in vanity metrics like likes and followers. By promoting self-awareness and strategic planning, the Entrepreneurs Continuous Improvement Method ensures that entrepreneurs prioritize their well-being and long-term success over short-term gains.

Ultimately, we focus on what needs to be done for us personally and for the business simultaneously. I believe in maintaining a well-balanced life, ensuring that every aspect of our lives is given the attention it deserves. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way many years ago and have been on a mission to help others unlearn the unneeded and most of the time, unrealistic pressures.

6. Many of us aspire to be productive, and numerous coaches discuss it. What are the real obstacles/distractions when it comes to productivity?

In my opinion, most of us want to be more productive, and I agree with you when you say „many coaches discuss it” but what I have found is many coaches have not mastered it. I don’t claim to be a master, there are days when I am not as productive as I had planned when I woke up.

However, I have learned a few tricks along the way that have helped me and many of my clients. I do work with a lot of clients who have been diagnosed with ADHD and with each client, it seems as though we tweak the productivity hacks because the obstacles/distractions can be different for each person.

Here are the big ones:

  • Procrastination: We often delay tasks because we’re afraid of failing or just can’t find the motivation to start.
  • Distractions: Social media, emails, and other interruptions can easily break our focus and derail our day.
  • Lack of Clear Goals: Without well-defined, actionable objectives, it’s hard to know what to prioritize and where to start.
  • Poor Time Management: Inefficient use of time and failing to prioritize tasks can lead to feeling overwhelmed and behind.
  • Burnout: Overworking without taking the time to rest and recover can lead to exhaustion and decreased productivity.

7. What are the main qualities that one needs to develop and strengthen in order to truly be productive and successful?

Wow, this is such an easy but also very complicated question to answer. So let me break it down like I would to my young son or a brand new business owner. It is always easier said than done, like going to the gym everyday.

In my opinion, to be truly productive and successful, one needs to develop:
Discipline: Consistently following through on commitments and tasks.
Maintaining concentration on goals and priorities.
Overcoming setbacks and staying motivated.
Being open to change and willing to adjust strategies.
Understanding personal strengths and weaknesses.

8. When tackling tasks, should we start with the difficult ones or the easy ones, and why?

Most coaches tell you to “eat the frog” and do the hardest tasks first. They are not wrong, sometimes this is what is needed when I am looking at day to day tasks.

Then other times, when I am looking at the bigger picture of what is needed to complete, I prefer to use the Eisenhower Matrix. I have been using this now with clients and it has been the most successful.

The Eisenhower Matrix (Priority Matrix) prioritizes tasks based on their business impact and ease of execution. Start with the highest impact and easiest to execute tasks first.

Avoid spending too much time in Quadrant 1 (Urgent/Important) as this is the
„firefighting“ mode which can lead to burnout. Quadrant 3 (Not Urgent/Not Important) tasks can be delegated to others, handouts, or websites.

The most important is Quadrant 2 (Not Urgent/Important) – the Planning Quadrant. Spend time here planning and preparing for potential issues to avoid them becoming urgent fires later. Reflect on Quadrant 1 situations and how to better handle them next time. Also, use this space for goal setting and scheduling your time.

Be wary of Quadrant 4 (Urgent/Not Important) distractions like social media that can eat up valuable time better spent on priorities. If you have spare moments, tackle items from your Quadrant 2 to-do list instead.

9. What are your current goals and projects you are working on?

My current projects and goals include expanding my coaching programs to reach more women entrepreneurs and developing an online community to provide accessible training on business and personal growth strategies. One of my most exciting projects, my “eat that frog” task, is launching a new podcast to help entrepreneurs fill in the gaps of doing business online.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever for business owners to have a strong online presence. I think we can all agree on this after the events of 2020. My mission is to help brick-in-mortar businesses keep their doors open and ensure online businesses have the information, skills, and understanding of why a strategic online presence is crucial for their marketing and sales success and how to confidently grow their business using the most popular free or low cost platforms to help generate additional business. 

 10. Do you have a message for my readers? Perhaps something you’ve learned from your work experience, an idea, or a guiding principle that influences your work?

My message to your readers is this: Have a huge „why“! Why do you want it?

Why is it important to you? I like to ask the question „why?“ 17 times, building on each answer to get to the real root of my why. Your why has to be bigger than just paying off debt, bigger than wanting to travel, and bigger than yourself. Your why will be your guiding light when it gets hard and you want to give up.

Embrace your journey with patience and perseverance. Success is not a straight line but a series of ups and downs that teach you invaluable lessons. Stay true to your vision, prioritize your well-being, and remember that you don’t have to do it alone. Seek support, stay adaptable, and celebrate every step forward, no matter how small. Your potential is limitless when you combine self-awareness with strategic action.

11. How do you stay motivated and inspired as a coach and entrepreneur?

As a coach and entrepreneur, staying motivated and inspired is crucial. I find inspiration through continuous learning and personal growth. Reading books, attending seminars, and engaging in mastermind groups with other successful entrepreneurs keep me energized. Additionally, seeing the progress and success of my clients fuels my passion and commitment. Celebrating their wins, no matter how small, reminds me of the impact we’re making together. I also prioritize self-care, ensuring I maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life to prevent burnout and stay motivated.  

12. What advice would you give to someone just starting their entrepreneurial journey?

For anyone just starting their entrepreneurial journey, my advice is to start with a clear vision and a strong „why.“ Understand why you are embarking on this path and what you hope to achieve. Be prepared for challenges and setbacks; they are part of the journey. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and coaches who can provide guidance and encouragement. Focus on building a solid foundation for your business with clear goals, effective time management, and a commitment to continuous learning. Remember to celebrate small victories along the way and stay adaptable to change. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help and leverage the expertise of others to grow and succeed.


How to write short texts

14. april 2024.

This concise manual is designed to equip you with the skills to craft compelling short texts – precisely the type demanded in today’s fast-paced world. Whether on the web, social media platforms, advertisements, or product descriptions, brevity is key.

You will learn how to write concise but also clear, striking and impactful texts.

The manual is written with the intention of making the writing process easier for you. As a published author, with more than 20 years of experience in writing, translating, editing and proofreading texts and books, I have chosen the shortest and most effective techniques that will speed up and facilitate the process of writing interesting, original and engaging texts. Just as they are in demand today!

How long will it take you to study the manual?

The manual contains 16 pages. As soon as you read the introductory pages, exercises follow and you can immediately start applying the acquired knowledge.

What will you learn with the help of the manual?

You will learn how to write short texts and specifically:

*how to prepare for the writing process

*how to „enter“ the writer’s mindset

*what is the structure of short texts

* how to start writing

*how and why to start a text with a question

* how to include emotions in the text and how twists and turns

*why it is important to always give value to the readers and finally

* there are a lot of practical exercises with the help of which you can immediately start writing.

How much does the manual cost?

The manual is at a special price until the end of June and costs 9.99 €.

Let your texts leave an impression on readers and advertise your product or service in the best way!

Because you deserve it!


    Writing courses

    1. april 2024.

    Online writing course – for short texts, captions and internet postings.

    Course duration: the course for writing short texts lasts 4 weeks. Classes are held 2 times a week, the price of one hour is 25 euros. The price includes a gift book on the methods of writing short texts.

    I hold my lectures in: English, Greek and Serbian language. And I can try to do my best in German 🙂


      Productivity and how to increase it

      22. mart 2024.

      We all want to increase productivity – to achieve more, to learn better and faster (both adults and children), to ‚‚shorten‚‚ the path to the goal and all in all, to achieve the greatest possible effect in the shortest possible time.


      This topic has been studied a lot around the world and scientists have come to the following results in their research:

      *observing workers in a factory and recording their productivity (eg, the number of products a worker makes during a shift), they noticed that each change increased output. They turned up the light – productivity increased. They dimmed the light – productivity also increased. Overall, they found that there is a relationship between change (either for the better or for the worse – meaning better lighting or worse lighting) and productivity.

      *another change that also positively affects productivity is the change of decoration in the working or living space. Every novelty we introduce – a new pot with flowers, some nice picture or photo on the table, new accessories – improves the mood and has a positive effect on the performance

      *apart from changes, arranged living and working space also plays an important role. In a tidy space where there are not many objects, there will be fewer distractions – so concentration will also be better. Further, we will feel better because we have already successfully completed one ‚‚task‚‚ and that is tidying up and well organizing the space and our personal items, so we will continue with the work tasks in the same (positive) spirit. All in all, it is desirable to get rid of clutter, unnecessary things, old things that collect dust, distract attention, „suffocate“ space and us, and if necessary, introduce a minimalist lifestyle.


      *as for the choice of colors – research proves that pastel colors calm us down and, as follows, slow down the rhythm of work. For mental activities and in general for ‚‚lively‚‚ doing work tasks, red (in all shades) and bright green colors proved to be the best. Bright colors do not have to be intensively present – details of lively colors are enough. Black, dark blue, brown and gray should be avoided because they belong to colors that do not contribute to a good mood; and when we are not in a good mood, we will hardly achieve a good performance at work

      *positive results are also achieved when the atmosphere before starting work is pleasant; when there is a light introduction and when the task is approached in a relaxed and confident manner

      *as for concentration – because it also contributes to productivity, words such as focus, attention and concentration have been proven to have a positive effect on increasing concentration. If we want to focus better, we can simply say ,,attention,, out loud or to ourselves. And then visually direct attention in the desired direction. To attract the attention of a wide audience, you have probably noticed that billboards and public places often use bright yellow and black; this combination is proven to attract attention, however, it is not considered desirable for living space because it acts as an alarm on our system. And the living space should be an oasis for rest and relaxation

      *in working with children who have problems with concentration and attention, my colleagues and I try to reduce external stimuli to an absolute minimum. What are external stimuli? These are all factors that distract the child and tempt him to play or engage in something else (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, television, toys, picture books, etc.). It is preferable that the desk is light-colored, without many details, the wall is also white, without posters, pictures, stickers, etc. It is best to have a pencil and an eraser and, of course, an open book or notebook in front of you. And nothing else. If concentration is a problem, try to reduce external factors to a minimum and thus direct the child towards completing tasks.


      To summarize – a recipe for better productivity: create a pleasant atmosphere, make the necessary changes (decoration, flowers, decorative items), adjust the lighting, choose pleasant colors, tidy up the clutter, throw out old and unnecessary things and then focus attention by saying words such as attention, concentration or focus and then, simply…

      focus on the realization of the goal.


      Aim low

      8. mart 2024.

      Yes, you read that right.

      Aim low because, low is:



      *it guides you to your goal step by step

      *it gives you time to enjoy and praise yourself for each step forward


      *along the way you acquire new, good habits

      *along the way you make new friends and enjoy spending time with them

      *you allow yourself to settle into new circumstances

      *a new way of behaving becomes a routine for you

      *when it becomes a routine, you perfect the technique

      *when you perfect it, you climb to the next step and then you bounce off to the next, bigger goal

      *you are not exposed to either negative or positive stress because you gradually introduce the desired changes

      *this savev both – body and psyche from strong turbulence and possible psychosomatic disorders.

      Advices that we read on the internet like „Aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll fall among the stars“ lead people to enthusiastically fly not to the moon but to Jupiter… And then they get lost somewhere on that space flight… It leads them to quickly abandon their goals because they seem huge and unachievable… It makes them disappointed in themselves, considering themselves weak and incapable – even though they are not.

      And so, aim low, aim realistic; divide the goal into smaller parts – realistic and achievable; and then, slowly, take sure steps toward the goal.