English, LIfestyle

Scale of emotions in vibrational order

12. decembar 2022.

And how to move up on that scale

Love & appreciation


















What can we do for ourselves on a daily basis to feel better?

First, let’s see why we feel the way we do:

1. It should be understood that our emotions are often caused by our thoughts. Of course, events around us also play a role, but most of our feelings come from our head. Apart from our thoughts, our perception and the way we perceive certain situations also play a role.

2. It should be borne in mind that human beings do not express all feelings – a large part of them is supressed. Suppressed feelings lead to depression and anxiety – another reason why we feel bad.

3. The third reason is the people around us and THEIR feelings. Yes, feelings are somehow „contagious“ and are passed from person to person. If you are constantly in the company of negative people or stay for a long time in rooms where unpleasant conversations, discussions, arguments, etc. take place, it is logical that these situations will spoil your mood.

What are the basic steps in order to change your mood for the better

1. Accept that negative feelings exist. And no, it’s not something bad, it’s human. Don’t get angry with yourself if you feel bad because anger will only intensify the negative emotions.

2. Be prepared – bad feelings will only cause more bad feelings and good feelings lead to a better mood.

3. Use reverse techniques: proven in psychology to work. What are reverse techniques? These are techniques that are based on the application of a process that in principle „goes backwards“. How exactly? For example: when we feel good, then we usually listen to some nice music, smile, go for a walk, talk happily with friends, engage in a hobby, draw or create something creative. Scientists have noticed that even when we are not in a good mood, if we apply all of the above (smiling, walking, music, talking, creative work…), all these activities will have a „reverse“ effect on us and automatically improve our mood.

4. Don’t forget to be „tough“ on yourself: treat yourself like someone who needs care and constant „monitoring“:

– if your thoughts turn to the negative side, redirect them!

– if you catch yourself falling into some dark thoughts, replace them with positive ones!

– don’t worry in advance: don’t „predict“ the future and don’t make dark scenarios in your head!

– if the outcome of a situation is uncertain or unknown, ask a simple question: „What if I … achieved such and such“ or „What will happen if I achieve … such and such“. Go in the direction of realization and fulfillment of expectations.

– start planning and start planning something nice: It has been scientifically proven that even planning itself (regardless of whether the plans will actually come true or not) causes positive feelings in us.

Work on yourself, direct your thoughts, use reverse processes, plan something beautiful, and step by step, the mood will improve and positive emotions will begin to flow!

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