Business coaching, English

Get out of your comfort zone…

12. decembar 2022.

…everyone says. That’s how you’ll achieve your goals, that’s where success is…

And success, he patiently waits for us to finally enter that zone; to make us comfortable; and to feel good; to swim well in those waters… Because, that’s the only way we can provide quality services to our clients and prosper in business.

To clarify with an example: start from yourself… Who would you choose for business and cooperation – regardless of whether it is a seller, manager, teacher, artist… Would you rather turn to someone who feels uncomfortable in that profession or who has just started into that ‚‚uncomfortable‚‚ zone, so it’s like a fish out of water, or would you choose someone who feels right at home in that role and has the knowledge and experience behind him (and with it all the security and confidence). I think the answer suggests itself…

And that is exactly the reason why you should enter that zone. Right there, where YOU PERSONALLY are comfortable, where you feel good; in those waters where you swim best. Because those „waters“ are exactly „yours“, that’s your reach, that’s how far you reach and no matter how much you climb out, you probably can’t go any further… The good news is: that’s okay too. And not only is it okay, but in most professions it is also desirable and in some even a prerequisite for employment: that an employee (who provides certain services or sells a product) feels good in his own skin, achieves the task, successfully performs work tasks – tasks which do NOT EXCEED his capabilities. And no, he didn’t step into the unknown, he wasn’t thrown into a territory where he can’t find his way (let alone achieve work performance)… And if you think (or have been convinced) that it’s too little – keep in mind the fact that the social community functions (and that the entire human species survives) precisely thanks to people who do their job WELL. And no, they’re not famous, you don’t see them on the front pages of magazines, they don’t make millions – they’re just where they are, they’re good at what they do (they don’t even have to be great), they’re one of the cogs that it drives society and, thanks to them, the world turns.

How much time do we need on average to feel ‚‚comfortable‚‚ in a profession and to gain the necessary work experience? Statistics say from 5 to 10 years. Yes, that’s how much the craft needs to be learned in practice; because theory and practice are NOT the same. And precisely because of those 5 years (minimum), it is important to enter the comfort zone as often as possible, to practice, to gain work experience, to communicate with people and to learn from colleagues.

When will we know that we have perfected a craft? Then when we routinely perform our tasks; when we know in advance what the client will say next; then when we have mastered all those finesse that are not taught at any university; then when younger colleagues start asking us for advice…

Then why do they constantly convince us that it is necessary to get out of the comfort zone and achieve something „significant“ and big and important and to become famous (and probably get rich)? Well, because it is in their interest. To whom? To all. Marketing industry, companies running social networks, fashion industry, cosmetics, jewelry, accessories, life coaching industry… Yes, you read that right, the Personal Development movement is an INDUSTRY. And not a millionaire, but an industry that turns over billions. The more unsatisfied, the more clients who are looking for „meaning“ and that hidden talent that cannot be awakened in them even though they have stepped deep into the 5th or even 6th and 7th decades of life. And let us enroll in a course faster and get to know our true nature, leave a permanent job (never more hated than nowadays), break up the family, find a new cool partner, renew our wardrobe, put on new makeup and hair and finally, let’s step into that much-desired unknown… Where success, fame, wealth, harmony, peace and inner balance await us…

Why does this ‚‚coming out‚‚ rarely produce results in practice? Because ‚‚leap forward‚‚ concerns future events that haven’t happened yet (success is still waiting for us out there somewhere) and we don’t know when (and if) it will happen (because…let’s be realistic). And we, no matter how big a step we take, we drag our old self with us, which in any new situation will behave in exactly the same way as before – exactly in accordance with our old habits. That’s why ‚‚stepping forward‚‚ rarely gives results – because we haven’t changed; and because all change comes from within; and no matter what zone they were in… The zone is not to blame for our success or failure… The cause is hidden in each person – in their character and habits.

What does this advice teach us (to step out of the comfort zone)? It teaches us flight (it is in the nature of human beings to react with either fight or flight). Does it teach us how to face the problems that currently exist here – right where we are, in an uncomfortable zone? Not. Teach us to escape; and says ‚‚Get out‚‚. Get out of that zone where you don’t feel comfortable. And enter a new, unknown zone, but enter as you are – with all your flaws and without any knowledge and skills in solving problems… Come with your old SELF; and so unprepared, untrained, without previous work experience, often without the necessary knowledge and education, he steps into the unknown… And hope that everything will be better in the new ‚‚zone‚‚.

Hope is not a strategy. Rudy Giuliani

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